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How to Apply

  1. Curriculum vitae in English
  2. Profesional passport size photo for Cv
  3. Speak English
  4. Work experience in Hotel, Bar, Restaurant and Shops
  5. Valid passport
  6. seaman's book ( If Require )
  7. STCW78 Certificates (If Require )
  8. Last Appraisal (Candidates with Experience on Board)
  9. Have no immigration problems
  10. Proof of Criminal or Police Record

How to apply:

  1. Review the requirements
  2. Download and use the CV template and attach it to the contact form, clic to download CV here.  
  3. Fill the Contact Form adn attach the CV and other files require.

Please download and use this curriculum vitae (CV) template, then in the conta form attach it with other files requested.

Download CV